It is important to raise alcohol awareness among farmers and to encourage open and honestly conversations about alcohol use and its triggers
Alcoholism is a worldwide epidemic and there is substantial evidence to suggest it was a significant cause of concern during the Covid-19 epidemic . Although facilities that served alcohol were closed people were able to buy in off licence facilities and home drinking became a major public health issue.
Moderation is a key factor. It can be noted that alcohol when taken in social company and in moderation can actually be beneficial as on such occasions it reduces loneliness and isolation.
From Oliver’s story it is evident that excessive drinking is harmful and can lead to alcoholism Farmer’s may use alcohol as an unhealthy way to cope with high levels of stress. As expressed by Oliver this can be due to a combination of reasons, such as loneliness relationship problems, isolation financial worries . However, it is also important to bear in mind that some may have a family or personal history of alcoholism or a mental health condition like depression.
Some additional information:
Binge Drinking
An issue not raised in Oliver’s story concerns “binge drinking” which is invariable defined as consuming five or more drinks on an occasion for men or four or more drinks on an occasion for women. It has also been noted that persons who binge drink are not necessarily dependent on alcohol. Rather they are packing their drinking into one or two ‘heavy sessions’ in the week.
However, habits or practices of this nature can lead to alcoholism . Binge drinking and it is associated with particular risks to health and can have negative effects on a person’s physical and mental health.
Weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines
“The Irish Health Service Executive (HSE)“
The recommended weekly low-risk alcohol guidelines are less than:
- 11 standard drinks for women
- 17 standard drinks for men
Drinks should be spread out over the week.
Have 2 to 3 alcohol-free days per week. Drink no more than 6 standard drinks on any 1 occasion.
The less you drink the lower your risk of developing alcohol-related health issues.”
In Ireland a standard drink has about 10 grams of pure alcohol.
- a pub measure of spirits (35.5ml)
- a small glass of wine (12.5% volume)
- a half pint of normal beer
- an alcopop (275ml bottle)
- A bottle of 12.5% alcohol wine has about 7 standard drinks.
Questions worth considering that may help you consider if you have reason to be concerned with your drinking patterns,
Have you ever considered if you drink too much?
Do you think you need to cut back or take a break from drinking?
Do you think your drinking habits are impacting on the quality of your life?